What makes the IAG Subaru block so special?
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 2, 2019 6:00:00 AM / by Mike Wiener posted in iag Subaru Blocks
Subaru Engine Replacement | Rod Bearing failure
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 27, 2019 7:45:06 AM / by Mike Wiener posted in Subaru Engine Failures, iag Subaru Blocks
Rod Bearing Failure | Subaru Engine Replacement
Rod bearing failure is common with Subaru Motors. The new FA series even more so than the older EJ series. FA motors are failing at stock power levels. Even mild upgrades require a built motor.
Bearing failure can occur on any motor, at any time, with any oil. The best prevention is to make a properly built motor a priority. Get it right and your motor will last.
Build quality matters more than the oil your use. Proper clearances during the build will prevent bearing failure better than anything else. Stock bearings with proper clearances will last longer than race bearings with bad clearances.